Dahlias returned

Before I began this journey to rebuild the Homeward Bound Memorial Garden, I had no experience at all with Dahlias. They were the gift of a volunteer gardener and fell into my charge. I watched them blossom through the summer into magnificent plates of color and fell in love.


I dutifully dug them up in the fall; placed them in a box of vermiculite following instructions I had read, sprinkled lightly with water and a little prayer, and then left them covered in the dark, cold garage. Every six weeks or so I would open the box and add a few more sprinkles to ensure they didn’t dry out until this weekend, when I pulled them out of darkness. To my delight and amazement, each β€œeye” had a tiny shoot springing forth. Today, they were returned to their spot in the garden. With any luck, the Dahlias will spring forth within a couple of weeks.


“Find the seed at the bottom of your heart and bring forth a flower.” ~ Shigenori Kameoka

All sorts of little joys were sprouting forth in the garden this weekend; the arrival of blueberries where thorny blackberries once ruled,


Blooming Honeysuckle and Clematis


Jerusalem Artichoke and Rose Campion…


and multiplying gardeners! Randy and Vonnie were back to check in on their recently planted Butterfly Garden, to continue the attack on the driveway brush, and to take their latest adopted pup, Chelsea to training class.


One of our dog walkers recruited her mother, a seasoned gardener to join our effort. It is a great way for them to have some time together around shared passions, and we could not be more delighted. Welcome Diane!


And our newest recruit, is but a sprout herself. This is Alexandria.


Her dog goes to class on Saturdays, and while she waits, she loves to wander the garden. This week she helped me with weeding and watering while she explained photosynthesis to me at a million words a minute. A gardener is born.

“The love of gardening is a seed once sown that never dies.” ~ Gertrude Jekyll

Finally, this sweet girl, Roxy, and her foster mom, Michele, were a surprise find and a story all their own. More on them to come soon!


Until then…happy week…from the Homeward Bound Memorial Garden!


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I am a nascent gardener, rescuer, and photographer, chronicling the journey of the dogs at Homeward Bound Golden Retriever Rescue and Sanctuary near Sacramento, CA - and the Memorial Garden we have devoted to them.

19 thoughts on “Dahlias returned”

  1. I have to tell you, getting this email always brightens up my day.Β  I wish I lived near here to see for myself how gorgeous this is.Β  Thank you for bringing this wonderful garden to those of us who cannot see for themselves. Β  Carol and Maggie

    1. Ahh…so glad your day is brightened! Thanks for visiting with us – if not in person, then virtually! Best to you both πŸ™‚

  2. So beautiful, and hooray for your dahlia success! Alexandria is adorable. How wonderful that she’s captivated by gardening, too…and Miss Roxy’s photo with her companion is perfect. Thank you!. Joy to your week…

  3. Oh my don’t you just love it when gardens start waking up! Every weekend you can find me working my gardens or regular yard-work (got to get done) and just loving it. Your photograph is fantastic and yes, dahlia’s are the best ~

    1. I can’t believe the changes week to week. Last year at this time we were so busy planting – and now we just look around in awe! I bet your garden is beautiful!!

      1. Well I’m fighting a very stubborn baby bunny – one gorgeous plant was mowed down over night, LOL. Hard to be totally upset, he is as cute as can be. But, ask me after I fight him off for the rest of the garden – went down this morning and he was having a grand time hiding among the tall plants.

      2. We have a few of those…munching and burrowing in the blueberries…and now in the Hummingbird garden! The nerve of those fuzzy little things!

      3. Well I’m fighting a very stubborn baby bunny – one gorgeous plant was mowed down over night, LOL. Hard to be totally upset, he is as cute as can be. But, ask me after I fight him off for the rest of the garden – went down this morning and he was having a grand time hiding among the tall plants.

  4. As usual your blog gave me my special moment of peace and beauty. My heart begins to slow, a smile crosses my lips and I silently Thank God for the beauty he has given us and the wonderful people that nourish that beauty each day.

  5. Audrey, I knew what garden this was as soon as I glimpsed the photo in my Reader; you always capture the quality of light in your photos that tells me “it’s Gardens for Goldens time!” Beautiful garden photos, sweet folks and darling pups – a win, win, win πŸ™‚

    1. Ahh…what a nice thing to say! I feel the same way when it is “Composer in the Garden” time; clear the decks, pour a cup of tea, crank up the volume and enjoy!

  6. I can’t wait to see more photos and read the story of “Roxy”. πŸ™‚ Beautiful people, beautiful dogs, in a gorgeous garden/place!

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