How We Come Here


I’ve learned that the best gardens are patchworks of the found, shared and transplanted. The trees, flowers and shrubs of the Homeward Bound Memorial Garden are a collection of new, old and passed on beauties.


Some arrive on our door step. Other have been lifted from gardens we love ā€“ always with permission, of course!


Their common destination is a loosely structured garden with unique pockets created for the creatures who inhabit it. Bunnies, birds, snakes, pesky snails –





and dogs, of course.


Like our plants, they arrive from everywhere. Jersey Girl – one of our newest arrivals – traveled all the way across the country from Tennessee thanks to a network of folks dedicated to rescue. Her adventure took over two weeks of travel and foster. Passed from one to another like a precious gift. She is terrified of thunder and her people knew that our quiet valley would be a better place for her.


Eve was found wandering. She was accompanied by a large tumor ā€“ likely from raising too many puppies ā€“ and she is almost completely blind from cataracts. If we can successfully do away with the first, we hope to remove the other and restore her health and her sight.


Some arrive on wings ā€“ like our Taiwan dogsā€¦


and a prayer ā€“ for a new life and a forever home. Surrendered, found, rescued.


Rescued dogs ā€“ like rescued gardens ā€“ return their good fortune a hundred fold.

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I am a nascent gardener, rescuer, and photographer, chronicling the journey of the dogs at Homeward Bound Golden Retriever Rescue and Sanctuary near Sacramento, CA - and the Memorial Garden we have devoted to them.

16 thoughts on “How We Come Here”

  1. Once again, Audrey, beautiful. You are so talented at writing, photography& blogging. I love the way you tie the garden to our precious doggies. Can’t say Goldens, as little Tara looks like a wanna be Golden. Gina wants to bring her home, but again the answer is NO!!!! All the pictured dogs are perfect. Thanks for warming my heart and turning on the water fountain.

  2. I have goldens and I love gardening, and I love your posts. If I did not live so far away (the other side of the world) I would love to visit. Wondering whether the snail family enjoyed the garden much longer or were they despatched elsewhere. šŸ™‚

    1. You never know where the winds will carry you. If you are in our neighborhood someday – stop by! No snails were injured in the making of this post (or the garden!) Live and let live. There are plenty of predators to keep them in check!

  3. Beautiful garden photographs, just love seeing the tranquil atmosphere you guys have developed in this very special place.

  4. “Rescued dogs — like rescued gardens — return their good fortune a hundred fold.” How very true! And the bond they form with us is one of life’s precious gifts.

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