A Happy Tail

Among the greys and browns of our December garden are little pockets of color, life…


and many happy tails.

The roses are having their last hurrah, with a cold snap now upon us. A yellow rose symbolizes friendship. Something we have in abundance here.


People from all walks of life bonded by a common goal of saving lives and seeing dogs on their journeys home.


Pink roses represent gratitude and appreciation.


I don’t know if it shines brighter in the faces of our newly adopted dogs or their lucky humans. This is Zephyr and her new family.


Red is for love and passion.


That’s what Chris and Steve have in spades.


They devote all of their weekends and many of their nights and vacations to our dogs and mission of rescue, with a special passion for the hardest cases. With love and patience they slowly rehabilitate dogs that others might give up on.


Goldie came to Homeward Bound at the age of 18 months. She went home and came back five times – sometimes the result of her own behavior issues, and finally, because of the economy.


Last returned in 2012, she was guarded, unpredictable, and not safe enough to place up for adoption again.


Considered sanctuaried, she could stay with us forever – but for a special bond – coupled with Chris and Steve’s steadfast determination.


Since 2012, they have been building trust. Over the past year, there have been careful introductions to Chris and Steve’s other rescue dogs.


Baby steps and small victories, culminating in a very special day. Today was Goldie’s Going Home Day.


It will take care and time before she is fully integrated in to the family, but if anyone can do it – they can.


Tonight, Goldie sleeps not in a house – a home. A forever home. And that makes for one very happy tail.

(Special photo credit: Rob Kessel for many of the images here.)

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I am a nascent gardener, rescuer, and photographer, chronicling the journey of the dogs at Homeward Bound Golden Retriever Rescue and Sanctuary near Sacramento, CA - and the Memorial Garden we have devoted to them.

19 thoughts on “A Happy Tail”

  1. What a wonderful story. God Bless Chris and Steve. Their dedication paid off for Goldie. Wishing them many happy years together.

  2. This brings tears to my eyes. Those two are angels on earth! Their passionate hearts are a blessing to Homeward Bound & those of us lucky to know Chris & Steve.

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