Hope Where Flowers Bloom

A couple of weeks ago, I felt encouraged that the collective “we” had finally awoken from a bad dream. For a minute, I thought that common sense and decency had finally prevailed over lies driven by greed, power, and ego. I had hope…something that has been in short supply these past two years and has made it impossible for me to write. It was short-lived.

If the message that was clearly sent was to eschew extremes on either side in favor of compromise and reason, it has gone unheard. The usual suspects are up to their usual tactics while war and climate change rage – threatening to upend our very existence.

Our battles here have seemed too small in comparison. But to those that we can help, I was recently reminded – they are not small at all.

Not to Jelly Bean, whose life was saved by a compassionate animal control officer and was transformed in our care from forgotten and discarded to health and joy.

Not to Dexter, finally freed from life on a chain only to demonstrate the unconditional love and forgiveness of a golden heart.

And not to Willow, the “damaged dog” rescued as a seizure puppy from certain death in a puppy mill to fulfill the years-long search of her new human.

“Where flowers bloom, so does hope.” ~ Lady Bird Johnson

I will look for my hope among the stories of our charges and the flowers that bloom in our Memorial Garden dedicated to them. I will try to write again.

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I am a nascent gardener, rescuer, and photographer, chronicling the journey of the dogs at Homeward Bound Golden Retriever Rescue and Sanctuary near Sacramento, CA - and the Memorial Garden we have devoted to them.

29 thoughts on “Hope Where Flowers Bloom”

  1. It is so good to hear from you. I think there are many many people who have the exact feelings you do. I fear for my grandchildren.
    I was fortunate enough to attend Kibbles and Bids this year and met Jellybean and others. Seeing these loving dogs come from horrible conditions gives me hope that it is possible for love to heal. If humans could only understand and learn this like these Golden Angels.

    1. There are more of us than them. We have to remember that and keep up the good fight for hope to prevail and love to heal. Thank you, Cindy.

  2. I have missed your thoughtful, inspirational posts and photos. I agree with your frustration with the direction in which our world seems to be spinning. But there is always a chance love and hope can heal deep wounds – especially at this time of year.

  3. Love them all and got to see Jelly Bean this past Friday for Santa photos. They adore her and I was able to share additional pictures I had taken of her.

  4. Please continue to fight for these beautiful dogs and share their stories! We have rescued 2 goldens from homeward bound, our 2nd was featured years ago in your blog about the ACL surgery she received from HB. Both dogs were hand picked from Jody to us. As our current golden ages we love on her and will continue to adopt from Homeward bound!

  5. As each year passes, I have realized that in order to enjoy each God given day that I need to let go of many of the things that are happening around me that I have no control over. I vote in every election and I’ve certainly sent more than my share of emails to those in office, but there is also the need to maintain mental health and I limit the amount of news I take in. It is so good to hear your voice and read your wonderful rescue stories. Positive stories amongst the rage of the world is so welcome.

    1. I can’t promise they will all be positive, but their stories deserve to be told. If nothing else, as a reminder that there is still good in this world. Thank you, Judy. I have missed you!

  6. It is so good to see you back here again. Yes, greed, power and ego has reared its ugly head again, but these photos banish that and make me smile. If only for a little while, but so worth it.

  7. You’ve been missed. I understand and certainly agree with your viewpoint regarding our political situation. I read a blog by Heather Cox Richardson to help me gain historical perspective, and I read Dan Rather’s column for a dose of reason. Both have helped my sanity over the past few years.Your writing and perspective on goldens help me also so please know that there are many who look forward to your notes and hope you will continue to share.Patty Arena

    Sent from the all new AOL app for iOS

  8. Welcome back – I have missed your posts and am glad you are feeling able to write again. You so often are able to beautifully put words to my thoughts and perspective. As we watch the extremists polarize our country I flash back to the Watts Riots and Rodney King’s plea “Can’t we all just get along?”
    Please continue to write and add to the healing, you are appreciated.

  9. I’ve been dodging social media and curtailing my news consumption to ease the angst I feel. I can relate to the difficulty of writing, too. I’m glad to read your words today, and so grateful for the rescue work you do and for that beautiful garden as well.

  10. We have so missed hearing from you. This post is so timely in these odd times. All the success stories from HBGRR are soothing, encouraging and healing. To see these beautiful faces (before and after) brings tears, joy and hope. Thank you for this post. Hope to hear from you again. Love from Poe and family to all at HBGRR.

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