Our Joy

The garden served up its usual beauty this weekend. Fall is beginning its advance and the flowers and their friends are grateful for the more moderate temperatures and cool nights.


Their appreciation is clearly on display.


But the most beautiful moments of the weekend did not involve flowers. First, new bricks were installed in the Memorial pathway.


I donated this one for one of my very first blogger friends, Deborah at Romancing the Bee and her beloved companion recently departed – the Noble Bayard.


The garden hosted the usual parade of pups. Hank took up residence on Steve’s lap –


Fozzie Bear, who just recently arrived, made his first trip to the garden –


beautiful Sting relaxed in the shade, exhausted from playing in the sprinklers –


while Lilly practiced her table manners.


In between, two great tales unfolded. First, Sydney – a special needs Golden who has pretty significant separation anxiety, found her perfect match in a family that did not see that as a special need at all.


She went home with her new beautiful brother, Gunner.


The two of them will have perpetual human company serving by day as greeters in their family’s store – Material Goods in (get this) – Carmel. Yup. Carmel By The Sea. I was hoping that they would adopt me as well, but some dogs just have all the luck! You can visit them there.


And that was just the start.


The story is told in full on the Homeward Bound blog (click here to read), but I’ll summarize here. A wonderful family with three beautiful children – adopted themselves – with incredibly giving hearts. On Thursday, they met Ollie, one our longer term guests.


Deaf, with skin issues, and a golden heart – he had been passed over too many times. On Sunday, they met Mariposa. A tiny, malnourished and scared little girl who had not been treated well in her first year on earth.


Two extraordinary dogs with special needs – who have found a very special home – with a beautiful family and a new brother named Sailor.


People ask about the often bittersweet work of rescue: β€œhow can you do it”? With weekends like this, how can you not?

The joy is ours.

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I am a nascent gardener, rescuer, and photographer, chronicling the journey of the dogs at Homeward Bound Golden Retriever Rescue and Sanctuary near Sacramento, CA - and the Memorial Garden we have devoted to them.

33 thoughts on “Our Joy”

  1. As I’m watching the devastation on the news, I’m reading your wonderful happy ever endings stories. It’s nice to start my day with your posts including the beautiful photos. The butterfly is gorgeous. Have a great week in your beautiful garden.

    1. Sometimes the news seems overwhelmingly bad – not because it all is – but just because the good stuff doesn’t get written. Just trying to balance out the universe a little – from our corner. πŸ™‚

      1. And you have! Well done, Ogee. Your photos are stunning. One amazing picture after another to go with your heartwarming stories. So kind of you to place a brick for Deborah. What a good heart.

        The photo that took my breath away was the flower, butterfly and bee, all in one shot. Amazing slice of life in the garden. Thanks for your optimism and good spirit.

  2. Transfixed by the beauty of the photos (I love Sydney climbing down from the table with the glorious golden tail fanning out) and what heartwarming stories about new homes for four sweet dogs! Thank you

  3. Beautiful post. thank you for telling the wonderful stories of the goldens in the gardens, and the wonderful people that grace HB.

    1. I’m so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful girl! Here’s to our hope that they are all truly waiting for us at the rainbow bridge. πŸ™‚

  4. Thanks to all the wonderful people at Homeward Bound for bringing us Gunner and Sydney, and enhancing the lives of ALL concerned..

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